Determine the role of a variety of healthy foods and physical activity on the health and development of the mind, body, and immune system.
Examine the spiritual dimension of the "inner self" and determine the importance of nurturing it.
Determine how the misuse of helpful and the use of harmful substances (including tobacco) affect the health of self and others.
Understand what it means to contribute to the health of self, family and home.
Evaluate safe behaviours/practices to increase the safety of self and others while at home.
Distinguish between examples of real violence (e.g., schoolyard fights, shaking a baby, bullying) and fictional violence (e.g., cartoons, world wrestling entertainment, video games) and determine the influence of both on health and well-being.
Demonstrate the importance of investigating information for making informed decisions related to healthy foods and physical activity, one's "inner self", helpful and harmful substances, healthy family and home, safety at home, and impact of violence.
Use the understandings, skills, and confidences related to healthy foods and physical activity, one's "inner self", helpful and harmful substances, healthy family and home, safety at home, and impact of violence.