Assess what healthy eating and physical activity mean for pre/adolescence.
Indicators for this outcome

Examine personal, past, and present knowledge about healthy eating and physical activity (e.g., exercise as important to health, trends such as jogging and home gyms, females and exercise/sports).


Investigate personal, family, community, and cultural factors that influence healthy eating (e.g., time, serving size, cultural food practices and values, water consumption, access to healthy foods.


Discuss factors of healthy eating over which one has control (e.g., drinking more water).


Explain the importance of particular eating practices, including drinking water as a thirst quencher and eating breakfast.


Demonstrate an understanding of healthy food choices (e.g., analyze nutritional values of particular foods) and serving sizes that support good health (see Canada's Food Guide).


Investigate personal, family, community, and cultural factors that influence physical activity (e.g., time, cultural practices and values, access, safety).


Review the health benefits of regular physical activity and the health risks of inactivity for pre/adolescence.


Investigate peer norms and popular trends related to healthy eating and physical activity.


Explore the consequences (both positive and negative) of following or resisting peer norms and/or popular trends related to eating and physical activity.


Investigate the physical activity opportunities in the community that benefit and/or challenge mental, socio-emotional, and spiritual well-being for pre/adolescence (e.g., develop personal gifts, and potential).


Investigate personal changes that need to be made for better nutrition (e.g., serving sizes, variety of foods) and appropriate amounts of physical activity (see Canada's Guide to Physical Activity).

Health & Wellness Grade 5. Student Edition (Canadian ed.)
This student resource focuses on 10 life skills that students need to become health literate, maintain and improve health, prevent disease and reduce health-related risk behaviours. Each of the seven chapters opens with questions developed to tap prior knowledge, clearly highlights the objectives, utilizes appealing visuals and graphics, offers activities and provides chapter reviews. The resource complements the Grade 4 curriculum in the areas of healthy eating, physical activity, conflict management, safety, relationships, stress management, decision making and designing and applying action plans. Some of the suggested activities link to other areas of study. Included are a table of contents, a glossary and an index.
(More information)
•  Health & Wellness Grade 5. Teacher's Edition
Media and Formats : Book
Topic : Sexual Abuse and Exploitation
Price : $76.33
Record posted/updated: November 22, 2018
Health & Wellness Grade 4. Student Edition (Canadian ed.)
The student resource focuses on 10 life skills that students need to become health literature, maintain and improve health, prevent disease and reduce health-related risk behaviours. Each of the seven chapters opens with questions developed to tap prior knowledge, clearly highlights the objectives, utilizes appealing visuals and graphics, offers activities and provides lesson reviews. Some of the suggested activities link to other areas of study. Included are a table of contents, a glossary and an index.
(More information)
•  Health & Wellness Grade 4. Teacher's Resource Package
Media and Formats : Book
Price : $76.33
Record posted/updated: November 22, 2018
Energy In, Energy Out: Food as Fuel
This book from the Slim Goodbody's Lighten Up! Series discusses what a healthy weight is, good food choices, appropriate portion sizes and the value of daily physical activity. It also addresses diet fads, eating disorders and steroids and includes suggestions for making healthy choices and setting personal goals. Colourful illustrations, charts and graphs enhance the easy-to-read text. Included are a table of contents, a glossary, a list of websites for further information and an index.
Media and Formats : Book
Price : $20.76
Record posted/updated: November 22, 2018
Stay Fit!: How You Can Get in Shape
With colourful photographs, cartoons and information boxes, this appealing book from the Health Zone Series offers useful information on how to become physically fit, how to nourish your body with healthy foods and the benefits of regular physical activity and healthy eating. The book includes a table of contents, a bibliography of resources for further information, a glossary and an index.
Two other books in the series, Stay Clear! What You Should Know about Skin Care and Take a Stand! What You Can Do about Bullying, complement the Grade 5 curriculum.
(More information)
Media and Formats : Book
Price : $10.24
Record posted/updated: July 8, 2024
Jack Teaches His Friends to be KidSafe!
This story book teaches children nine personal safety rules. At the back of the book there is a Language of Safety glossary and a section containing information for adults.
Media and Formats : Book
Topic : Sexual Abuse and Exploitation
Price : See publisher.
Record posted/updated: June 15, 2022