Module 18: Leaves from Work (Optional)
Investigate leaves from work in Saskatchewan and their potential impact on finances.
(a) Examine the availability of, and compensation associated with, several leaves (e.g., sick, disability, maternity, parental and leave of absence) in a variety of work settings in Saskatchewan.
(b) Analyze the advantages and disadvantages associated with each type of leave.
(c) Investigate how one applies for a variety of leaves.
(d) Discuss the impact of each type of leave on one’s finances.
(e) Propose a plan for maintaining financial security in the event of a leave or extended absence from work.
Money and Finances
This Government of Canada website has current information on concepts related to financial literacy. There is a useful search menu to locate information on specific course topics. The content is written suitably for students and some topics include videos, tools and calculators, online courses and modules that may be useful for use in the classroom.
Media and Formats : Website
Price : Free
Record posted/updated: February 8, 2022