Module 21: Funding Post-secondary Education and Training (Core)
Explore options for funding post-secondary education and training.
(a) Identify common options (e.g., savings, loans, apprenticeships, co-operative education programs and working while taking more time to complete a program) for funding post-secondary education and training.
(b) Explore the role of scholarships and bursaries in funding post-secondary education and training.
(c) Explore the role of student financial assistance programs, including student loans and grants, in funding post-secondary education and training.
(d) Discuss the income tax benefits associated with post-secondary student loans.
(e) Explore features of the student loans and grants program specifically for Indigenous students and others (e.g., students with disabilities; students with dependents; mature learners; and students who are, or have been, Crown wards).
(f) Research the availability and the function of federal government programs related to Registered Education Savings Plans (RESPs), as well as the Canada Education Savings Grant and the Canada Learning Bond, in funding post-secondary education and training.
(g) Research eligibility criteria, the application process and the financial benefits of participating in the Graduate Retention Program in Saskatchewan.
(h) Explore strategies and debt management tools for repaying student loans upon graduation from post-secondary education and training, including programs such as the Repayment Assistant Plan (RAP).
(i) Calculate the costs associated with a variety of post-secondary pathways.
(j) Research funding options and design a financial plan for a post-secondary pathway of interest or for a fictitious scenario for the first five years beyond high school.
Personal Finance for Canadians (6th ed.)
This book encompasses many topics to assist with organizing finances. Topics include spending less, saving more, building wealth and protecting your wealth. It contains tips, facts and tables to further explain the concepts presented. There are also sections on financial goal setting, understanding investment and insurance choices, and selecting a financial planner. There is a table of contents and an index to help locate specific content.
Media and Formats : Book
Price : $19.99
Record posted/updated: February 8, 2022
Enriched Academy
This online portal with Canadian content is accessible through a paid subscription. It delivers a series of over 60 sequenced video lessons and more than 150 quizzes and assessments on topics related to financial literacy. It includes an interactive online platform, webinars, calculators and tools for students to use to learn more on topics such as credit, saving for retirement, the stock market, TFSA, RRSP and taxes, money myths and careers.
Media and Formats : Website
Price : unavailable
Record posted/updated: February 8, 2022