Module 22C: History of Credit (Optional)
Analyze the history of credit.
(a) Explore the origins of credit including the use of credit during ancient times, the middle ages, fur-trading days and present day.
(b) Discuss the historical, cultural and contemporary significance of credit contracts.
(c) Explore the history of interest rates and their inter-relationship with world events.
(d) Investigate the effects of historical events (e.g., colonization, signing of treaties, the Great Depression, civil and world wars and recessions) on credit.
(e) Explore how past economic events such as the Debt Crisis of the 1980s, the Dotcom Crash of 2000-02 and the Housing Bubble and Credit Crisis of 2007-08 can have a lasting effect on economic conditions.
Money and Finances
This Government of Canada website has current information on concepts related to financial literacy. There is a useful search menu to locate information on specific course topics. The content is written suitably for students and some topics include videos, tools and calculators, online courses and modules that may be useful for use in the classroom.
Media and Formats : Website
Price : Free
Record posted/updated: February 8, 2022