Module 34: Frauds, Phishing and Scams (Core)
Explore the financial risks associated with frauds, phishing and scams.
(a) Define frauds, phishing and scams.
(b) Discuss examples of frauds, phishing and scams that pose financial risks.
(c) Research the financial and other (e.g., emotional) impact of frauds, phishing and scams on individuals and society.
(d) Examine the steps that should be followed if personal information has been compromised.
(e) Describe ways to protect oneself from frauds, phishing and scams such as an unsolicited vacation offer, unsolicited offer for computer repair services, or unsolicited request to confirm login details to a secure website.
(f) Investigate actions that should be taken when one becomes a victim of frauds, phishing or scams, including the process for reporting to authorities.
(g) Critique financial institutions’ or companies’ sales tactics and claims that appear to be misleading.
Heads Up Money
This book focuses on economics and provides thought-provoking questions as headings to explore topics such as globalization, wage gaps and market crashes. The resource would be useful to delve into questions that provide insights into the topics. Interesting text features, graphics, charts and tables appear throughout the resource.
Media and Formats : Book
Price : $16.99
Record posted/updated: December 8, 2021
Personal Finance for Canadians (6th ed.)
This book encompasses many topics to assist with organizing finances. Topics include spending less, saving more, building wealth and protecting your wealth. It contains tips, facts and tables to further explain the concepts presented. There are also sections on financial goal setting, understanding investment and insurance choices, and selecting a financial planner. There is a table of contents and an index to help locate specific content.
Media and Formats : Book
Price : $19.99
Record posted/updated: February 8, 2022
Money and Finances
This Government of Canada website has current information on concepts related to financial literacy. There is a useful search menu to locate information on specific course topics. The content is written suitably for students and some topics include videos, tools and calculators, online courses and modules that may be useful for use in the classroom.
Media and Formats : Website
Price : Free
Record posted/updated: February 8, 2022
This free website is sponsored by the Credit Counselling Society in Canada. It offers articles and webinars on topics related to financial literacy. There is a downloadable teacher guide designed for middle years that can be adapted for the high school setting. Also included are calculators and tools to help with budgeting, calculating interest earnings, and determining financial requirements for post-secondary education, car loans, loans, mortgages and retirement. It also has an accelerated payment calculator.
(More information)
Media and Formats : Website
Price : Free
Record posted/updated: February 8, 2022