Explore the purposes of money.
Apply decision-making strategies to various personal and community financial scenarios.
Develop personal goals using a variety of goal-setting models or approaches.
Investigate methods for handling and storing personal and financial information securely.
Apply the concept of net worth to variousscenarios.
Examine the principles of budgeting.
Develop and analyze monthly and annual spending plans based on income and expense tracking.
Examine basic services typically provided by financial institutions for accessing and managing personal finances.
Explore documents and processes used to conduct and monitor common financial transactions.
Explore the attributes and uses of cheques.
Maintain accurate financial records.
Examine the use of pre-authorized payments and direct deposits.
Investigate taxes paid by individuals in Saskatchewan.
Research different ways to earn an income.
Assess the financial, ethical and legal implications associated with different methods of paying for work.
Examine the components of a pay stub.
Analyze how transactions for goods and services occur.
Explore career options to support one’s desired lifestyle goals.
Examine the concept of interest.
Investigate various types of credit and credit products available to individuals.
Investigate factors that influence one’s credit file.
Explore the process of obtaining credit including the role of down payments and credit calculations.
Explore how various perspectives affect an individual’s attitudes towards credit.
Investigate different types of payment cards.
Examine the components and legalities of financial contracts.
Analyze the use and potential overuse of credit by individuals.
Examine various cell phone plans.
Differentiate between buying, renting, and leasing.
Examine the principles of saving money.
Differentiate between saving and investing.
Explore investment criteria.
Investigate stock markets and investment options.
Explore the importance of protection against potential financial loss.
Explore giving to registered charities, non-profit organizations and worthy causes as part of one’s financial plan.
Examine the work of registered charities, non-profit organizations and worthy causes.
Explore the financial risks associated with frauds, phishing and scams.
Investigate career opportunities in the financial industry in Saskatchewan and Canada.
Prepare for the work placement.
Participate in a work placement experience.
Relate one’s work placement experience to personal and career goals.