Create and evaluate a fictional or confidential personal spending plan.
Assess factors that influence selection of a financial institution.
Assess how to find credible sources of financial advice.
Examine non-employment sources of income.
Examine the relationship between taxation and First Nations people in Saskatchewan and Canada.
Investigate personal income tax.
Evaluate the viability of one’s chosen career to support one’s desired future lifestyle.
Investigate leaves from work in Saskatchewan and their potential impact on finances.
Assess the value of retirement planning as part of a personal financial plan.
Explore options for funding post-secondary education and training.
Analyze the history of credit.
Investigate the process of negotiating and obtaining a mortgage.
Examine the processes of and alternatives to personal bankruptcy in Saskatchewan.
Investigate the processes for buying and leasing a vehicle.
Assess factors involved in renting a home.
Assess factors involved in purchasing a home.
Compare various investment vehicles.
Research ethical and socially responsible investment opportunities.
Construct an investment portfolio that includes short-, medium- and long-term investment goals.
Examine the processes for purchasing insurance policies and for filing insurance claims.
Collaborate to plan and implement a fundraising project in one’s community or school.
Explore economic factors that impact personal or community financial decisions.
Examine the impact of investing on the local, provincial and national economies.
Investigate foreign exchange.
Prepare for the work placement.
Participate in a work placement experience.
Relate one’s work placement experience to personal and career goals.