Examine critically and use purposefully blood-borne pathogen information/ education, including HIV and Hepatitis C, for the purpose of committing to behaviours that do not put one at risk of infection or co-infection.
Indicators for this outcome

Locate sources and evaluate information, according to specific criteria, about behaviours that do/do not put one at risk of HIV and/or Hepatitis C infection.


Distinguish between primary and secondary sources of HIV/AIDS information, and of expert and non-expert sources.


Examine the role of and determine the influence of technology (e.g., radio, print, television, Internet, cell phones, personal listening devices) in gathering, processing, and using HIV/AIDS and Hepatitis C information.


Examine personal knowledge in terms of what is already known about HIV and Hepatitis C.


Ask questions that lead to deeper understanding of HIV/AIDS and Hepatitis C (e.g., How do decisions, commitment, and actions related to HIV/AIDS vary depending on peoples' perceptions?).


Analyze implications of/of not evaluating sources of and information about blood-borne infections.


Examine knowledge related to blood borne pathogens, including HIV/AIDS and Hepatitis C:

  • transmission of HIV and Hepatitis C
  • signs and symptoms of HIV and Hepatitis C infections
  • body's immune system and its destruction by the HI virus
  • AID syndrome caused by HIV infection.

Describe the formal and/or informal HIV/AIDS and Hepatitis C resources/supports in one's community.


Determine behaviours that may increase and those that may decrease the risk of blood-borne infections (e.g., tattoo, piercing).

Sex Facts: Teens and STDs
Realistic vignettes and information from adults, including medical professionals, provide facts about sexually transmitted diseases: what they are, how they are contracted and symptoms and treatment. The program makes clear that while condoms offer protection, abstinence is the only 100% guaranteed way to be safe from sexually transmitted diseases.
Topics include: facts about sexually transmitted diseases, symptoms and treatment for common STDs, consequences of leaving STDs untreated, the truth about common myths concerning STDs and the importance of practicing safe sex.
(More information)
Media and Formats : CD/DVD
Price : $89.95
Record posted/updated: July 8, 2024
Understanding HIV and AIDS
Hosted by recording artist Bow Wow, this DVD offers valuable Grade 6, 7, 8 and 9 curriculum- appropriate information about HIV/AIDS through discussions with youth who are learning about the virus. The program offers an age-appropriate explanation of the definition and biology of HIV and means of infection, testing, treatment and prevention. Understanding HIV and AIDS stresses that abstinence is the most effective way to prevent sexual transmission of the HI virus.
Portions of this DVD could be used at each middle level grade to support the achievement of particular grade-level outcomes.
(More information)
Media and Formats : CD/DVD
Price : $189.00
Record posted/updated: July 8, 2024
Human Sexuality(1st Canadian ed.)
This resource offers a holistic view of sexuality. It fosters physical, spiritual, mental and emotional health by suggesting strategies for students to build skills in the areas of decision making, goal setting, communication and relationship building. The information is based on Canadian research and statistics that could assist adolescents in making informed decisions regarding sexual health. The book provides numerous engaging student learning activities. Many attractive photographs, charts and graphs enhance the text. Included are a table of contents, a glossary and an index.
(More information)
Media and Formats : Book
Topic : Sexual Abuse and Exploitation
Price : $44.66
Record posted/updated: November 22, 2018