Michif 10, 20, 30
communicate meaningfully with coherency (coherency relates to the connectedness of information, thoughts and ideas within communication).
Indicators for this outcome
(a) | produces several sentences spontaneously to express an idea, using coherency markers; |
(b) | produces, with preparation, several sentences in oral and written form, using such linking words as "aspin -then, m'wîstas - after" and osâm - because"; |
(c) | produces several sentences using basic words, phrases, short sentences, and questions, and simple language structures; |
(d) | produces several responses to simple questions and answers simple questions in several different ways; |
(e) | links words or groups of words in simple ways; |
(f) | sequences elements of a simple story, process or series of events; and, |
(g) | gives examples of various words and expressions that convey the same idea. |