communicate meaningfully with proficiency (proficiency is the ability of an individual to speak or perform in an acquired language).
Indicators for this outcome
(a) produces speech at a normal or slower than normal rate that requires some repetition to be understood by a first language speaker;
(b) manages simple, routine interactions with ease and asks for clarification when necessary;
(c) participates in a simple conversation with a Michif speaker using repetition and explanation; and,
(d) produces basic phrases, short sentences, and questions using learned vocabulary and simple language structures.
Teaching Sacred Language Curriculum (Book and Flashcards)
This curriculum, developed from a First Nations perspective, provides a framework of strategies and tools to enable holistic language learning. This model will work with any Indigenous language and incorporates methodologies such as Accelerated Second Language Acquisition (ASLA), Total Physical Response (TPR) and elements of the standard roman orthography (SRO) and modified roman orthography (MRO) systems. Included are assessments based on traditional ways of knowing and monthly charts for language acquisition routines throughout the year. The curriculum book and 305 flashcards may be purchased as a single bundle or separately.
(More information)
Media and Formats : Kit
Price : $150.00
Record posted/updated: August 19, 2022