Module 18B: Workplace Safety – Psychological Health and Safety (Core)

Note: Teachers should determine student familiarity with psychological health and safety. This will help determine if they require a review of concepts or more in-depth learning.

Explore psychological health and safety in the workplace.
(a) Define life/work balance and how it relates to maintaining personal wellness.
(b) Research the prevalence of mental illness in Canada and the resulting impact on the workplace.
(c) Research how areas of stress, including personal financial stress, impact productivity in the workplace.
(d) Discuss the benefits of a psychologically healthy and safe workplace to employees and employers.
(e) Research employers’ responsibility for establishing a psychologically healthy and safe workplace.
(f) Describe practical ways that employees can contribute to a psychologically healthy and safe workplace.

Research employers’ duties and responsibilities about workplace mental health as outlined in The Saskatchewan Employment Act, 2019.

(h) Research accommodations (e.g., modification of work duties, flexible hours, job sharing and modifications to the work environment) that employees experiencing mental health problems or issues can request.

Research employers’ ‘duty to accommodate’ as outlined in the Canadian Human Rights Code.

(j) Discuss barriers (e.g., lack of awareness that accommodations may be possible, lack of awareness of where to find supports and lack of confidence in requesting accommodations) that employees face in disclosing a mental health problem or illness and/or in requesting accommodations.
(k) Research sources of support (e.g., Human Resources Department, union, Saskatchewan Health Authority, Canadian Mental Health Association, Mental Health Commission of Canada and Canadian Centre for Occupational Health and Safety) for those experiencing mental health problems or issues in the workplace.
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Media and Formats : Video
Price : Free
Record posted/updated: December 6, 2021