The second season of this documentary series is set at the busiest wildlife rescue centre in Saskatchewan, featuring a woman who knows no limits as she leads a dedicated and diverse team in a fight to save thousands of creatures each year. At its core, Staying Wild is about the animals. Cute or ugly, meek or dangerous, small or big, prey or predator, every creature has value and they each play an essential role in a greater ecosystem.
Season 2 episodes include the following titles:
- Community - As Jan struggles with the demands of caring for an orphaned baby skunk, the staff must come together to overcome a large number of new cases that threaten to overwhelm them.
- Balancing Act
- Otter Panic
- Eat, Prey, Love
- Stepping Up and Stepping Back
- Commitment
The second season of this documentary series is set at the busiest wildlife rescue centre in Saskatchewan, featuring a woman who knows no limits as she leads a dedicated and diverse team in a fight to save thousands of creatures each year. At its core, Staying Wild is about the animals. Cute or ugly, meek or dangerous, small or big, prey or predator, every creature has value and they each play an essential role in a greater ecosystem.
Season 2 episodes include the following titles:
- Community
- Balancing Act - A baby fox with a broken leg forces Jan to walk a narrow line, while two geese with very different injuries inspire the staff to get creative.
- Otter Panic
- Eat, Prey, Love
- Stepping Up and Stepping Back
- Commitment
The second season of this documentary series is set at the busiest wildlife rescue centre in Saskatchewan, featuring a woman who knows no limits as she leads a dedicated and diverse team in a fight to save thousands of creatures each year. At its core, Staying Wild is about the animals. Cute or ugly, meek or dangerous, small or big, prey or predator, every creature has value and they each play an essential role in a greater ecosystem.
Season 2 episodes include the following titles:
- Community
- Balancing Act
- Otter Panic - The arrival of a sick, orphaned otter strains Jan professionally and emotionally while Shélagh takes on one of the most challenging breeds of birds to rehabilitate.
- Eat, Prey, Love
- Stepping Up and Stepping Back
- Commitment
The second season of this documentary series is set at the busiest wildlife rescue centre in Saskatchewan, featuring a woman who knows no limits as she leads a dedicated and diverse team in a fight to save thousands of creatures each year. At its core, Staying Wild is about the animals. Cute or ugly, meek or dangerous, small or big, prey or predator, every creature has value and they each play an essential role in a greater ecosystem.
Season 2 episodes include the following titles:
- Community
- Balancing Act
- Otter Panic
- Eat, Prey, Love -The centre’s golden rule to save any animal that’s brought in is tested when Sam rehabs a little mouse and then must also help Jan save its predator, an injured Great Horned Owl.
- Stepping Up and Stepping Back
- Commitment
The second season of this documentary series is set at the busiest wildlife rescue centre in Saskatchewan, featuring a woman who knows no limits as she leads a dedicated and diverse team in a fight to save thousands of creatures each year. At its core, Staying Wild is about the animals. Cute or ugly, meek or dangerous, small or big, prey or predator, every creature has value and they each play an essential role in a greater ecosystem.
Season 2 episodes include the following titles:
- Community
- Balancing Act
- Otter Panic
- Eat, Prey, Love
- Stepping Up and Stepping Back - Jan learns the value of leaning more heavily on her team as an unusual number of pelicans arrive at the centre. And the staff gets creative when it comes to helping a sad baby porcupine.
- Commitment
The second season of this documentary series is set at the busiest wildlife rescue centre in Saskatchewan, featuring a woman who knows no limits as she leads a dedicated and diverse team in a fight to save thousands of creatures each year. At its core, Staying Wild is about the animals. Cute or ugly, meek or dangerous, small or big, prey or predator, every creature has value and they each play an essential role in a greater ecosystem.
Season 2 episodes include the following titles:
- Community
- Balancing Act
- Otter Panic
- Eat, Prey, Love
- Stepping Up and Stepping Back
- Commitment - Jan works on a plan to keep Oscar the otter safe through the winter, while the struggle to keep a baby beaver alive tests Katie.
Episode 2 - Avian Influenza
Avian Influenza threatens the Centre, and the team goes on red alert to protect all the birds in care through preventative methods. The arrival of two high-risk young owls pulls Jan away, and Katie has to step up as a leader to help fill the gap.
Episode 1 - Baby Boom
At Living Sky Wildlife Rehabilitation, spring brings a baby boom with orphans of all stripes arriving in distress. Jan grapples with an aggressive baby fox and deals with the emotional case of a sick fox in crisis, while Drayden and Emma go on a wild chase to find a family for baby geese.
Episode 5 - Building Confidence
When dealing with all animals, especially aggressive ones, confidence is a must. Before Jan and Colleen head off to tangle with seven teenage red foxes, Jan challenges a naïve new team leader, Phoebe, to take the lead in helping two very sick hawks.
Episode 4 - Emotional Rescue
Midway through the busy summer season, Jan and her team are exhausted as trauma cases continue without interruption. With Jan away, Katie leads the night shift team in admitting an orphaned badger, and the team works together to accommodate this potentially dangerous animal. Meanwhile, Shelagh works with Ryan to rehabilitate Maggie, an injured rabbit that narrowly escaped a bird attack.
Episode 3 - Pulling Their Weight
Wild animals have a full-time job finding food, and when they get injured or orphaned it can spell disaster. Jan and her team face the challenging case of an injured Porcupine with an infected dog bite. Meanwhile, Emma bonds with an orphaned Richardson Ground Squirrel that has lost weight and needs a lot of extra attention to survive.
This documentary series is set at the busiest wildlife rescue centre in Saskatchewan, featuring a woman who knows no limits as she leads a dedicated and diverse team in a fight to save thousands of creatures each year. At its core, Staying Wild is about the animals. Cute or ugly, meek or dangerous, small or big, prey or predator, every creature has value and they each play an essential role in a greater ecosystem. For wild animals in crisis, the Living Sky Wildlife Rehabilitation Centre offers one chance at survival.
Season 1 episodes include the following titles:
- Baby Boom
- Avian Influenza
- Pulling Their Weight
- Emotional Rescue
- Building Confidence
- Survivial of the Fittest
Each episode runs 30 minutes in length.
The second season of this documentary series is set at the busiest wildlife rescue centre in Saskatchewan, featuring a woman who knows no limits as she leads a dedicated and diverse team in a fight to save thousands of creatures each year. At its core, Staying Wild is about the animals. Cute or ugly, meek or dangerous, small or big, prey or predator, every creature has value and they each play an essential role in a greater ecosystem.
Season 2 episodes include the following titles:
- Community
- Balancing Act
- Otter Panic
- Eat, Prey, Love
- Stepping Up and Stepping Back
- Commitment
Episode 6 - Survival of the Fittest
It’s the end of a busy summer season, and Jan and her team are in high gear as they evaluate animals in care to see which are ready to survive on their own. Before releasing the young Badger and two Great Horned Owls, Jan takes extra measures to improve their odds of surviving the approaching cold weather. It’s a bittersweet moment, as the animals are released back into the wild to face an uphill battle for survival.
and grades. Suggested curriculum outcomes are identified and, if applicable, supporting indicators
are noted.
The purpose of the presentation is to describe strategies teachers can use to approach content that may be perceived as sensitive in their community in order to:
- ensure the learning environment is safe for respectful dialogue;
- teach students how to think critically about any topic with an open mind; and,
- meet curricular outcomes.
Saskatchewan context, differentiation is addressed through the Adaptive Dimension which enables all teachers to respond to student diversity, including their strengths and needs, interests, backgrounds, life experiences and motivations.