Module 83A: Work Study Follow-up (Core)
Relate one’s work placement experience to personal and career goals.

Showcase one’s skills and abilities demonstrated during the work placement using artifacts, evidence of skill development and personal reflections on aspects of the work experience such as:

  • hours worked;
  • responsibilities and tasks performed;
  • the importance of attitude towards work and taking responsibility for what needs to be done;
  • details about the entry level wage, salary scales and earning potential;
  • worker rights and responsibilities and the role of the union, if applicable;
  • the presence of workplace hazards and how they were addressed;
  • ownership structure (e.g., corporation, franchise, sole proprietorship and partnership); and,
  • opportunities for advancement at the workplace and elsewhere in the industry.

Summarize the work placement experience by considering things such as:

  • interactions with the employer, staff, customers and others;
  • personal accomplishments;
  • learnings about oneself;
  • learnings about the world of work;
  • learnings about careers in the workplace; and,
  • personal demonstration of skills, abilities and understandings.
(c) Update artifacts (e.g., resume and evidences of learning) within one’s career portfolio following the work placement.
(d) In appreciation prepare a letter, note, card or other communication for the work placement employer.
(e) Develop and/or revise personal and career goals based on the work placement experience.
Resumes(8th ed.)
This resource presents detailed information on how to write a winning resume. Numerous resume formats and samples are included as are ideas for using social media and mobile technology in the job search. Ways of making details shine and using wow words are described. A helpful resume checklist is included, in addition to suggestions for increasing the odds of landing a job.
Media and Formats : Book
Price : $23.99
Record posted/updated: December 6, 2021
Soft Skills for the Workplace(2nd ed.)
This resource is intended to help people entering the workforce to develop essential soft skills needed for career success. Each of the 14 chapters introduces a video of a basic soft skill recommended by employers. Case studies are presented to illustrate the importance of mastering the soft skills presented. At the end of the chapters, there are review questions and activities to reflect on practical applications of those skills. The videos as well as other interactive resources are available on the publisher’s website.
(More information)
•  Soft Skills for the Workplace. Online Instructor Resources
Media and Formats : Book
Price : $50.00 USD
Record posted/updated: March 15, 2022