Examine and critically respond, orally and in writing, to the work of professional artists utilizing a range of art criticism models.
Indicators for this outcome
(a) View and evaluate professional art, including Indigenous art, by interacting with guest artists and by visiting galleries.
(b) Describe initial reactions and responses and determine what the artist did to initiate that reaction in the viewer.
(c) Compare and contrast selected artworks through analysis of formal concerns, societal perspectives and artist intentions.
(d) Use a critical process to convey an informed opinion within a formal critique/research paper including properly cited sources.
(e) Use the language of art and appropriate terminology when writing or discussing artworks.
(f) Identify how design principles, image development strategies and elements and principles of design affect the overall impact of works selected for study.
(g) Describe the visual language and conventions of the time period in which work was created.
(h) Analyze connections between self and selected art works.
(i) Inquire how different people respond to the same work in different ways and how that reflects life experiences, cultural context and world view.