Analyze the effects of gravitational, magnetic, and mechanical forces, including friction, on the movement of objects.


Indicators for this outcome

Differentiate between examples of contact (e.g., wind, push, and pull) and non-contact (e.g., magnetic and gravitational) forces in their daily lives.


Describe how forces can act directly or from a distance to cause objects to start to move, speed up, slow down, change direction, or stop moving.


Explain and diagram, using force arrows to represent the relative strength and direction of a force, how contact and non-contact forces affect the movement of objects.


Collaboratively design and carry out an experiment to determine the effects of changing the amount of force applied to an object on the movement of the object.


Measure, using non-standard units (e.g., number of elastic bands, and the length that an elastic band stretches), the force required to cause an object to move a specified distance, and estimate the force required to move a different object the same distance or the same object a different distance.


Record qualitative observations and quantitative measurements about the effects of non-contact (i.e., gravitational and magnetic) forces which act from a distance to cause objects to move, change direction, or stay in place.


Differentiate between the effects of balanced and unbalanced forces (e.g., gravitational, magnetic, and mechanical) on the movement of objects.


Pose questions to investigate the effects of friction on stationary and moving objects, and identify variables (e.g., surface material, texture, mass, angle of ramp, and orientation of object) that may be relevant to the investigation.


Conduct a fair test to compare the effects of friction on the movement of objects over a variety of surfaces (e.g., wood, cloth, floor tile, carpet, tabletop, sidewalk, and grass).


Collect and display quantitative data related to forces and motion using tables, charts, diagrams, and line graphs.


Measure forces in standard units (e.g., Newton) using a spring scale or a force sensor.


Collect and graph quantitative data to compare the mass and gravitational force acting on various objects.


Evaluate methods used to investigate the effects of contact and non-contact forces on the movement of objects, including identifying and suggesting explanations for discrepancies in collected data.


Draw conclusions about the relationship between contact and non-contact forces on the movement of objects.

Things in Motion
In this video, students will learn about force and the effects of force on objects. Through the use of examples, students will develop an understanding of force, friction, work, gravity, mass and acceleration.
•  Things in Motion. Slides
Media and Formats : CD/DVD Video
Price : $79.95 USD
Record posted/updated: December 3, 2021
Pearson Saskatchewan Science 5. Student Edition
Pearson Saskatchewan Science 5 is custom published for Saskatchewan and developed by a team of Saskatchewan teachers. Each unit starts with a list of "Big Ideas" that set the focus for the unit. A Big Idea then provides the title for each section in the unit. Throughout the unit, opportunities are provided for students to work together, communicate ideas, perform experiments and carry out library and Internet research. Key vocabulary is bolded throughout the unit and an explanation of each term is provided. All key terms and explanations are also listed in a glossary at the back of the text. First Nations and Métis content, perspectives and ways of knowing are an integral part of the Saskatchewan science text. Highlights of the activities and achievements of Saskatchewan men and women are provided in the "Ask..." feature. In each unit, the Ask... feature provides access to the wisdom of a First Nations or Métis Elder or Traditional Knowledge Keeper, who shares an oral story related to the content of that unit.
(More information)
•  Pearson Saskatchewan Science 5. SMART Notebook Lessons
•  Pearson Saskatchewan Science 5. Teacher's Resource Kit
Media and Formats : Book
Price : $79.27
Record posted/updated: October 18, 2020
The Warlord's Alarm
Chuan and Jing Jing come up with an innovative way of measuring time to ensure that they will be able to wake their warlord before sunrise and arrive at the emperor's gates as they open in the morning.
Media and Formats : Book
Price : $16.96
Record posted/updated: December 4, 2018
Hands-on Science Grade 5: An Inquiry Approach (WNCP ed.)
This new edition contains easy-to-follow lesson plans that incorporate an inquiry-based approach to learning. The student-centred activities also include ideas for integrating Indigenous knowledge, multicultural connections and real-world applications into each lesson. The four units contained in the resource are: Maintaining a Healthy Body, Properties of and Changes in Substances, Forces and Simple Machines and Weather.
Media and Formats : Book
Price : $124.00
Record posted/updated: July 4, 2019