Distinguish between pure substances and mixtures (mechanical mixtures and solutions) using the particle model of matter.


Indicators for this outcome

Examine a variety of objects and materials, and record qualitative (e.g., colour, texture, and state of matter) and quantitative (e.g., density, melting point, and freezing point) physical properties of those objects in a chart or data table.


Describe the characteristics of pure substances, mechanical mixtures, and solutions.


Construct a graphic organizer for the classification of matter that includes mixtures, pure substances, elements, compounds, mechanical mixtures, and solutions.


Classify common substances (e.g., Kool-Aid, vinegar, bubble bath, soft drinks, juice, chocolate chip cookies, salad dressings, hand lotion, shampoos, tea, bread, soil, and concrete) as pure substances, mechanical mixtures, or solutions.


Listen to and consider the ideas of classmates when classifying materials as pure substances or mixtures.


Create mechanical mixtures and solutions using common materials and compare the physical properties of the original materials and the resultant mixture or solution.


State the four main ideas of the particle model of matter.


Create models and/or physical representations that depict the nature of particles in pure substances, mechanical mixtures, and solutions according to the particle model of matter.


Analyze the usefulness of personally constructed representations of particles and the strengths and limitations of models in science generally.


Generate questions related to differences between mixtures and solutions and rephrase in a testable form (e.g., rephrase a question such as "How sweet is iced tea?" to "What is the most iced tea that can be dissolved in 500 mL of water at 23°C?").

Investigating Mixtures, Solutions, Elements and Compounds
This video will assist students to understand and differentiate between mixtures, solutions, elements and compounds. Additional topics discussed include elements, pure substances, properties, atoms, molecules, compounds, types of mixtures, suspension, colloid and alloy.
•  Investigating Mixtures, Solutions, Elements and Compounds. Slides
Media and Formats : CD/DVD Video
Price : $79.95 USD
Record posted/updated: December 3, 2021
Pearson Saskatchewan Science 7. Student Text
Saskatchewan Science 7 is custom published for Saskatchewan and developed by a team of Saskatchewan teachers. Each unit starts with a list of Big Ideas that sets the focus for the unit. A Big Idea then provides the title for each section in the unit. Throughout the unit, opportunities are provided for students to work together, communicate ideas, perform experiments and carry out library and Internet research. Key vocabulary is bolded throughout the unit and an explanation of each term is provided. All key terms and explanations are also listed in a glossary at the back of the text. First Nations and Métis content, perspectives and ways of knowing are an integral part of the Saskatchewan science text. Highlights of the activities and achievements of Saskatchewan men and women are provided in the "Ask ..." feature. In each unit, the "Ask ..." feature provides access to the wisdom of a First Nations or Métis Elder or Traditional Knowledge Keeper, who shares an oral story related to the content of that unit.
(More information)
•  Pearson Saskatchewan Science 7. Student Edition E-Book CD
•  Pearson Saskatchewan Science 7. Teacher Resource
Media and Formats : Book
Price : $102.38
Record posted/updated: November 28, 2018