(a) |
Demonstrate and explain how heat is transferred by the processes of conduction, convection, and radiation in solids, liquids, and gases. |
(b) |
Construct a visual or dramatic representation of heat transfer via conduction in a solid. |
(c) |
Model convection currents in fluids (liquid or gas) and discuss the effectiveness of the model. |
(d) |
Assess the impacts on self, society, and the environment, of conduction, convection, and radiation in the natural and constructed world (e.g., heating over cities, temperature layers in lakes, thunderstorms, radiant heaters, refrigerators, and convection currents in air or water). |
(e) |
Evaluate applications of technologies designed to enhance or restrict the transfer of heat energy via conduction, convection, or radiation (e.g., metal frying pans, radiant heaters, home insulation, ovens, convection ovens, thermoses, winter parkas, and heat exchangers) using student-developed criteria. |
(f) |
Design and carry out an experiment to determine differences in the ability of various surfaces to absorb and reflect radiant heat. |
(g) |
Select appropriate methods and tools for collecting and displaying data and information related to radiant heat. |
(h) |
Demonstrate safe and responsible work practices, including keeping the work area uncluttered with only appropriate materials present when investigating heat transfer via conduction, convection, and radiation. |