Analyze and explore environmental science related career paths in Saskatchewan, Canada and the world. (CP, DM)
Create and carry out a plan to explore one or more topics of personal interest relevant to Environmental Science 20 in depth. (CP, DM, SI, TPS)
Examine the methods, mindsets and purposes of environmental science. (CP, DM)
Assess the impact of human activities on indoor and outdoor air quality and the need for regulations and mitigating technologies to minimize risks to human health. (SI, DM)
Analyze the production, reliability and uses of geoscience data to investigate the effects of a changing climate on society and the environment. (CP, DM, SI)
Investigate technologies and processes used for mitigating and managing resource use, waste generation and pollution associated with a growing human population. (CP, DM, SI)
Analyze the function and condition of freshwater aquatic systems such as rivers, streams, lakes, wetlands and watersheds. (CP, DM, SI)
Assess the importance of maintaining healthy water for humans and the environment. (SI, DM)
Analyze the importance of soils as an integral component of terrestrial ecosystems. (SI, DM, CP)
Examine the role plants play in an ecosystem, including the ways in which humans use plants. (SI, CP, DM)
Recognize the need for intact habitat to support animal populations and biodiversity. (SI, CP, DM)