Science K

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Life Science: Living Things in our Environment
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Earth and Space Science: Exploring Our Natural Surroundings
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What is a core resource?
Core Resources
A core resource is a foundational or key resource that complements a curriculum in an especially effective way. It may be a comprehensive resource that broadly addresses several of the student learning outcomes (e.g., a major integrated resource, series, textbook), an in-depth student resource that addresses at least one student learning outcome or a professional resource for educators.

Askî and Friends: Help Me Tell My Story
These digital storybooks were developed as part of the Help Me Tell My Story early childhood oral language assessment. The assessment is unique in many ways and it is grounded in First Nations and Métis holistic perspectives on learning. All of the stories incorporate traditional beliefs and perspectives and are available in five languages: Cree, Dene, Michif, English and French. The four storybooks focus on Askî, his three friends Nipi, Kon and Tate and their lives around the pond. The stories introduce Turtle Island and Mother Earth - two concepts that are central in the First Nations worldview. The stories were developed to be used in the classroom and in the home to help improve early childhood language skills. These stories are available for interactive tablets and can be downloaded from Google Play (Android) or the AppStore (iPad).
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Askî and Turtle Island
Kon and the Circle of Life
Nipi and Mother Earth
Tate and the Flyers
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Record posted/updated:
December 20, 2023

Exploring Safely: A Guide for Elementary Teachers
This resource relieves the many safety concerns that come with teaching elementary level science. The emphasis is on positive options for avoiding potential hazards. Chapters include making safe work habits second nature to students, equipping the classroom for safety and choosing and culturing live plants and animals for classroom study. There are sample forms, including permission slips and student contracts, that can be adapted for educators' needs. A table of contents, appendices and an index are provided.
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Nipi and Mother Earth
Nipi explains how important it is to look after Mother Earth and each other.
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Record posted/updated:
November 17, 2022

Powerful Learning: What We Know About Teaching for Understanding
The authors provide a number of teaching practices including project-based learning, cooperative learning, performance-based assessment, as well as instructional strategies in literacy, mathematics and science.
Online videos at demonstrate how role models help to generate student understanding. There are examples that show how educators can enable students to think critically, transfer skills and knowledge and be flexible problem solvers, both inside and outside the classroom.
The book includes a table of contents, an appendix, a bibliography and a subject index.
Online videos at demonstrate how role models help to generate student understanding. There are examples that show how educators can enable students to think critically, transfer skills and knowledge and be flexible problem solvers, both inside and outside the classroom.
The book includes a table of contents, an appendix, a bibliography and a subject index.
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Start Young!: Early Childhood Science Activities
This NSTA resource is designed for educators of PreK to Grade 2 students. The resource is a collection of journal articles that provide suggestions to introduce science to young children. Articles are arranged in four sections: early learning and science, child-centred curricula, integrating curricula and assessing understanding. A table of contents, a quick reference chart of articles and an index are provided.

Tate and the Flyers
Tate talks about the importance of the pond and how he and other flyers meet there to hear and to share stories.
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Record posted/updated:
November 17, 2022
What are additional resources?
Additional Resources
Additional resources also complement the curriculum in an effective way and are of the same variety as core resources. However, where funds are limited, educators are advised to start by purchasing core resources.
A Grand Old Tree
This beautiful story about the cycle of life tells of a tree that for many years basks in the sun, bathes in the rain, sways in the breeze and dances in the wind. The tree flowers, bears fruit and sheds leaves before it dies and becomes part of the earth where it still serves a valuable purpose. The dynamic, brilliantly coloured illustrations and large font make this tale very appealing to young children.

An Egg is Quiet
Aston introduces over 60 different types of eggs to young children. She describes why some eggs are shaped a certain way, why some eggs use camouflage and why some eggs are textured. She includes three life cycles of animals that start as an egg.
Baby Bear, Baby Bear, What Do You See?
Written as a tribute to North American wildlife and to the love between a mother and child, this story in rhyme is an addition to the bear series that started over 40 years ago with Brown Bear, Brown Bear, What Do You See? A splashy collage representation of an animal (e.g., a screech owl, a mountain goat, a blue heron, a flying squirrel, a prairie dog, a red fox, a mule deer, a rattlesnake) fills every page. A poster of baby bear and her mother is tucked into the endpapers.

Bearcub and Mama
With his mother's guidance, a little bear cub learns so much - how to catch a fish, how to climb a tree, how to dig for grubs. Mama is always close to Bearcub to teach and comfort him. This comfortable situation, however, begins to change as Bearcub tests his independence. One day, the little bear cub is alone in the forest when a storm darkens the sky. Bearcub is afraid, but he remembers what his mother has taught him and he manages to return home safely. The rich, acrylic-on-canvas illustrations beautifully capture the fierceness of the storm and the loving relationship between a mother and child.
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Big Bear Hug
A kind-hearted bear is so filled with love and joy that he always hugs everything in sight. One day, however, he is tempted to be violent when he crosses paths with a human who is about to cut down a beautiful old tree. After pausing to reflect, the bear is able to resolve the situation in a non-violent fashion. Simple, cartoon-style illustrations pair with easy-to-read text in this endearing story.

Bugs! Bugs! Bugs!
In this animated adaptation of the picture book by Bob Barner, many bugs come to life through verse, collage images, and rap-style music. We see spiders, grasshoppers, bees, ants, and beetles and learn the stages of the life cycle of a butterfly.
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Record posted/updated:
July 2, 2020

Children Make Terrible Pets
Lucie, a young bear, finds a boy in the woods and takes him home. In this topsy-turvy story, the bear then tries to convince her mother that she should be able to keep this "pet." Her mother tells her "children make terrible pets." In the end she returns the boy to the "wild" where he rejoins his family who are picnicking in the park. The video is an adaptation of the picture book written and illustrated by Peter Brown.

Diary of a Fly
Using diary format, the life cycle of a fly is introduced. The author discusses learning to fly, landing on targets, using his senses and the important part that flies have in the food chain. Children should enjoy the humour throughout the story, such as Fly being sent to the garage for a time-out.

Diary of a Fly
Using diary format, the life cycle of a fly is introduced. The author describes learning to fly, landing on targets, using their senses and that flies are an important part of the food chain. Children should enjoy the humour throughout the story, such as Fly being sent to the garage for a time-out. The video is adapted from the book by Doreen Cronin, illustrated by Harry Bliss and narrated by young actress, Abigail Breslin.

Diary of a Worm
In this story, young viewers will be delighted by and identify with the ups and downs of a young worm whose daily experiences he records in a journal. This journal is shared with the viewers. Diary of a Worm was written by Doreen Cronin and illustrated by Harry Bliss.
A program for the video is available.
A program for the video is available.

Diary of a Worm
Using a diary format, the life cycle of a worm is introduced. Through the use of humour, children learn about worms and the role they plan in taking care of the Earth. Students may be able to identify with the worm's experiences as he forgets his lunch, teases his sister and tracks mud into his house.
Eaglecrest Early Readers Series
This set of information texts offers stories that reflect firsthand experiences of British Columbia First Nations children in cultural activities and in their routine activities at home and school. Although designed for Grade 1 beginning readers, the stories would be of interest to younger children. Colourful photographs complement the simple text.
A Bunny to Love. Level 16
A Gift for Kohkum. Level 20
Alysha's Flat Tire. Level 6
Animals at the Fair. Level 6
Anthony's New Glasses. Level 11
At the Beach. Level 1
At the Park. Level 14
Best Friends. Level 13
Big and Little. Level 2
Bonkers is Hungry. Level 8
Chicken's Ride. Level 11
Choosing a Kitten. Level 17
Climbing the Apple Tree. Level 19
Collecting Eggs. Level 16
Come and Play, Peaches. Level 10
Crabs for Dinner. Level 11
Daffodils for You. Level 5
Dean's Fish. Level 15
Dennis Rides His Bike. Level 12
Dorian's Cast. Level 21
Dorothy's Mittens. Level 7
Everett Rides His Horse. Level 9
Fluffy's Accident. Level 8
Fun on the Sled. Level 10
Going Camping. Level 14
Going Outside. Level 1
Going to the Store. Level 8
Gonzo is Missing. Level 20
Helping Grandma. Level 8
Helping with Baby. Level 7
Here Comes the Bus. Level 3
Holly's Surprise. Level 3
Hope's Necklace. Level 18
Hot Moose Stew. Level 12
Hungry Red Fox. Level 8
I Like to Read. Level 2
In The Forest. Level 2
Lost and Found. Level 13
Louie's Hat. Level 3
My Big Brother. Level 2
My Buddy. Level 2
My Family. Level 2
My Grandma. Level 1
My Grandpa. Level 2
New Slippers. Level 6
Picking Blackberries. Level 9
Picking Flowers. Level 1
School is Fun. Level 1
Shona Plays the Fiddle. Level 18
Skipping Rocks. Level 8
Snack Time. Level 1
Spear Fishing with Dad. Level 15
Stuck in the Tree. Level 7
Summer Adventure. Level 19
The Basketball Game. Level 20
The Best Bread. Level 10
The Big Puddle. Level 4
The Dog Sled Ride. Level 16
The Dream Catcher. Level 12
The Eagle. Level 4
The Enormous Rock. Level 17
The Fishing Trip. Level 6
The Frog. Level 4
The Hawk Drum. Level 4
The Hungry Pony. Level 3
The Lemonade Stand. Level 15
The Lost Necklace. Level 7
The New Boats. Level 13
The Picnic. Level 6
The Powwow. Level 16
The Raven Necklace. Level 5
The Raven. Level 2
The Sleepover Party. Level 15
The Tree Fort. Level 9
The Water Slides. Level 5
Time to Play Soccer. Level 14
Tree Fort Adventure. Level 11
Water Toys. Level 3
Where is Fluffy? Level 5
Wilson's Canoe Ride. Level 10
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\$6.75 each bk. / \$39.00 set of 6 / \$330.00 set of 50

Record posted/updated:
December 6, 2018

First Day of School
This innovative picture book invites students to imagine that two grizzly bear cubs are venturing out to meet the teacher on their first day of school. The bears enjoy learning how to swim, climb and catch fish before they return home to their mother. This light-hearted story is enhanced with outstanding colour photographs of grizzly bears in their natural environment. The book offers a page of information on the anatomy, food, habitat and enemies of the grizzly bear, and the back cover presents ways that we can protect the future of grizzly bears.
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Record posted/updated:
November 22, 2018
First the Egg
With beautiful die cuts, this imaginative book shows such transformations as a tadpole becoming a frog, a caterpillar becoming a butterfly, a seed becoming a flower, words becoming a story and paint becoming a picture.

First the Egg
In this video, children will learn the life cycle of plants and animals. For example, children will learn that a tadpole comes before a frog, a seed comes before the flower, the caterpillar comes before the butterfly and the egg comes before the chicken. The original picture book was written and illustrated by Laura Vaccaro Seeger and this adaptation on video is narrated by young actress, Elle Fanning.

Fletcher and the Springtime Blossoms
Fletcher loves everything about springtime. As Fletcher celebrates spring in the orchard, he sees "snow" on the ground. He tells the birds to fly back south and the rest of the animals that spring has not yet arrived. In the orchard, the bunnies see the "snow" and let all the animals in on the secret of the snow. This video is an adaptation of the picture book written by Julia Rawlinson and illustrated by Tiphanie Beeke.

Inviting Writing Into the Science Classroom: How Teachers Open the Door
This handbook will assist educators to incorporate writing into their science teaching. Examples of the various types of writing are included. The main focus of the handbook is the "conceptual change model" of learning. Saigeon provides strategies to use this model in the classroom.
The handbook includes samples of student work and a table of contents.
The handbook includes samples of student work and a table of contents.

Looking Closely Series
This series allows students to observe their natural environment. Each book examines a habitat. Within the habitat are animals, plants and objects. The book allows students to look closely at one part of each object, animal or plant and observe what they see. Students flip over a page to see the whole object, animal or plant with a detailed description.
Looking Closely Across the Desert
Looking Closely Along the Shore
Looking Closely Inside the Garden
This playful, informational book introduces several of the ways that animals move. For example, penguins waddle, polar bears float, arctic hares run and blue whales swim. Move! provides basic information about each of the animals presented such as motion, size, habitats and food. The colourful, texture-rich collage art is highly appealing.
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Record posted/updated:
December 6, 2018

National Geographic Science K Series
This series of modular kits allows students to build skills to ensure a complete understanding of the nature of science. The process skills and the nature of science work together to help students think and act like scientists. In kindergarten, students will develop their process skill of observation. Through the nature of science, kindergarten students will learn that science knowledge is based on evidence and that science knowledge can change based upon new evidence.
Numerous opportunities are provided for students to engage in hands-on explorations that ensure a thorough understanding of key science concepts. Each unit opens with a Big Question to guide learning. Throughout the unit, there are four levels of inquiry. The Explore Activity allows students to build background knowledge. Teachers direct instruction in Directed Inquiry. In Guided Inquiry, students become independent learners with guidance from the teacher. Students choose their own questions, create and carry out plans, collect and record data and share data in Open Inquiry.
Additional materials for students and teachers are available online at
Numerous opportunities are provided for students to engage in hands-on explorations that ensure a thorough understanding of key science concepts. Each unit opens with a Big Question to guide learning. Throughout the unit, there are four levels of inquiry. The Explore Activity allows students to build background knowledge. Teachers direct instruction in Directed Inquiry. In Guided Inquiry, students become independent learners with guidance from the teacher. Students choose their own questions, create and carry out plans, collect and record data and share data in Open Inquiry.
Additional materials for students and teachers are available online at
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Earth Science. Assessment Handbook
Earth Science. Become an Expert. Day and Night in the City
Earth Science. Become an Expert. Day and Night in the Woods
Earth Science. Become an Expert. Day and Night on a Farm
Earth Science. Become an Expert. People Play in All Kinds of Weather
Earth Science. Become an Expert. People Travel in All Kinds of Weather
Earth Science. Become an Expert. People Work in All Kinds of Weather
Earth Science. Big Ideas and Vocabulary Cards
Earth Science. Day and Night/Weather and Seasons. Classroom Set
Earth Science. Explore on Your Own. Bright At Night
Earth Science. Explore on Your Own. Daytime and Nighttime
Earth Science. Explore on Your Own. Weather Fun
Earth Science. Explore on Your Own. Weather on a Trip
Earth Science. Explore on Your Own. What Does It Look Like?
Earth Science. Explore on Your Own. Working in Snowy Weather
Earth Science. Learning Masters
Physical Science. Assessment Handbook
Physical Science. Become an Expert. Animals Push and Pull
Physical Science. Become an Expert. Objects at a Fair
Physical Science. Become an Expert. Objects at a Park
Physical Science. Become an Expert. Objects at a Party
Physical Science. Become an Expert. People Push and Pull
Physical Science. Become an Expert. Vehicles Push and Pull
Physical Science. Big Ideas and Vocabulary Cards
Physical Science. Explore on Your Onw. Push and Pull Faces
Physical Science. Explore on Your Own. Pack a Picnic
Physical Science. Explore on Your Own. Pizza Party
Physical Science. Explore on Your Own. Toys to Push and Pull
Physical Science. Explore on Your Own. What Can Pull Wagons?
Physical Science. Explore on Your Own. What is Red?
Physical Science. Learning Masters
Physical Science. Observing Objects/How Things Move. Classroom Set
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Record posted/updated:
January 25, 2019

Nipêhon = I Wait
This picture book is written in Cree using standard roman orthography and syllabics as well as English. It tells the story of grandmother, mother and daughter who walk to the field, pray and gather yarrow. At the end of the book is a recipe for yarrow tea. This book offers a way to discuss cultural traditions.

Niwechihaw/I Help
Told in Cree and English, the story explores the relationship between a young boy and his grandmother (Kôhkum). The two prepare to take a walk in the woods to pick rosehips. The young boy follows his grandmother as she walks, listens, picks, prays and eats. By mimicking her actions, the young boy is learning the cultural traditions and values of his Cree heritage. Included at the back of the book is a recipe to make rosehip tea.
Teachers may consider bringing an Elder into the classroom to discuss our relationships to the land.
This book was selected as a finalist for the 2009 Canadian Children's Book Centre - Best Books for Kids and Teens.
Teachers may consider bringing an Elder into the classroom to discuss our relationships to the land.
This book was selected as a finalist for the 2009 Canadian Children's Book Centre - Best Books for Kids and Teens.
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Ocean Babies
Ocean Babies presents a few of the billions of babies that inhabit the oceans and points out that while these creatures have their differences, all are part of the life cycle supported by the ocean ecosystem. A back section provides additional information on each featured ocean baby. The watercolour illustrations effectively capture the beauty of new ocean life.

On Earth
Karas describes Earth and its cycles. He invites young children to travel on the spaceship Earth as the concepts of rotation and revolution are introduced. The Earth is in constant motion as it spins, circles, glides and tilts. Throughout the book, relevant terminology is introduced.

On Meadowview Street
Caroline and her family move to Meadowview Street, but they soon discover that there is no meadow, no view and nothing growing in their yard except grass. While Dad is mowing the lawn, Caroline spots a blossom in the grass. She asks her dad not to mow in that one spot and makes a fence to protect the flower. Soon, Dad sells the lawnmower because Caroline's flower preserve has taken over the lawn. Caroline attracts various animal and plant species as her meadow continues to develop. Caroline's efforts to create a meadow catch on in the neighbourhood.
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On the Way to the Beach
Students use their observation skills as a young girl takes a walk to the beach. On her way to the beach, she passes through four habitats: the woods, the salt marsh, the dunes and the beach. There is a two-page spread that illustrates each habitat. Children open the flap to discover the animals and plants that live in the habitat. As a suggested activity, children are encouraged to find a place to sit, watch and listen to discover what lives in their natural surroundings.

Oscar and the Frog: A Book About Growing
Oscar is a curious kitten and at the pond, he is full of questions about growing things. Frog helps answer some of Oscar's questions as he has gone through his own changes, from a tadpole to a frog. Through Frog, Oscar finds out how living things begin, what they eat and how they grow. Included in the book are summaries about growing and an index.

Planting a Rainbow
This very colourful program tells how a child and mother plant a variety of seeds in a rainbow of colours in their flower garden and watch them grow. From the book by Lois Ehlert, viewers see that her vibrant, stylized artwork brings to life the cyclical excitement of planting and picking flowers in a garden.
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$59.95 USD
Record posted/updated:
December 3, 2021

Primary Physical Science Series
This series introduces the physical sciences to young children. Each book introduces the topic, provides background information and then follows up with a hands-on activity. At the end of each book are suggestions for teachers to explore the concepts further with their students. Each book includes a glossary and an index.
Build It!: Structures, Systems, and You
Change It!: Solids, Liquids, Gases and You
Move It!: Motion, Forces and You
Touch It!: Materials, Matter and You

Readings in Science Methods, K-8
This collection of NSTA journal articles allows practising teachers to reflect upon what is already known in their science teaching. The contributors provide suggestions for new approaches to teach classroom science. The articles are organized into seven sections: nature of science and science inquiry, teaching science, science for all, science-teaching toolbox, teaching life and environmental science, teaching physical science and teaching Earth and space science.
The book includes a table of contents, appendices and an index.
The book includes a table of contents, appendices and an index.
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Safety in the K-12 Science Classroom
This safety resource brings information together that is needed by administrators, planners, teachers and support staff to help them make sound decisions regarding science safety. It supports planning and action by providing information on safety legislation, standards and concerns, as well as example procedures for eliminating or minimizing hazards. A copy of this handbook was sent to all schools with Grades 8-12. Because workplace standards may change over time, users of this resource should check for updated information wherever there are references to national or provincial legislation.
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Record posted/updated:
January 2, 2019
Science Everywhere K. Posters
These 14 large, attractive, laminated posters provide visual references for science concepts.
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Record posted/updated:
November 28, 2018

Stepping Up to Science and Math: Exploring the Natural Connections
This NSTA resource aims to assist teachers to rethink and reflect upon how they teach mathematics and science. The book is organized around three content areas: making connections among basic concept skills that underpin both science and mathematics, using scientific concepts as the core for investigations to link to other subject ares and finding contemporary applications for scientific inquiry and experimentation.
The book includes a table of contents and an index.
The book includes a table of contents and an index.

Taking Care of Mother Earth
Charlie likes to help his grandmother, who tells stories while they work. While being reminded to turn off the water tap, Grandma describes how everything around us is connected to water. Children will benefit from Grandma's wisdom as they learn to take care of Mother Earth.

The Black Book of Colors
This unique book allows students to "feel" colours using their senses. Sighted students will understand what it is like to experience things through their sense of touch, taste, smell or hearing. The text provides an explanation of the colour while the corresponding page has the drawing. The raised blackline drawings on black paper allow students to touch a colour. Braille letters accompany the text so that the sighted reader can imagine what it is like to use Braille to read.

The Curious Garden
In this animated video, Liam lives in a city that is dark and grey. While exploring one day, Liam discovers a stairwell that leads to old railroad tracks. Among the tracks is a patch of dying wildflowers. Liam decides to take care of the garden. He learns to water and prune the plants. As the garden starts to spread, the city is transformed into a colourful and green world. This video is an adaptation of the picture book written and illustrated by Peter Brown.
A teacher's guide is available.
A teacher's guide is available.
(More information)
The Curious Garden. An Interview with Peter Brown
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$59.95 USD
Record posted/updated:
July 8, 2024

The Four Seasons. Daily and Seasonal Changes
This video introduces the seasons to children. Mother Earth presents each season using live-action and animated sequences. In addition to the seasons, children will observe daily changes and how the changes affect plants, animals and human life. The seasons played a role in First Nations societies. For example, during the winter months, storytelling provided the Anishinaabe opportunities to pass on cultural knowledge. Some concepts and terminology include dormant, adaptation, migrate and temperature.
A study guide is available.
A study guide is available.
(More information)
The Four Seasons. Quiz
The Four Seasons. Seasonal Safety Tips

The Great Fuzz Frenzy
Based on the award-winning picture book of the same title by Janet Stevens, the video begins when a fuzzy green tennis ball tumbles into a prairie dog hole. The arrival of the ball causes a great frenzy as the prairie dogs begin to decorate themselves with green fuzz and argue over who should have more fuzz. After a prairie dog named Big Bart steals all the fuzz, he is captured by an eagle. This crisis causes the prairie dogs to reunite and come to Big Bart's rescue, thus demonstrating the true meaning of community.
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Timon and Pumbaa. Safety Smart Goes Green!
In this video program from Disney's Wild About Safety Series, Timon and Pumbaa ensure that the water, land and air around them are safe and clean. Students will explore the Three Rs (reduce, reuse and recycle). They will also learn to conserve water and energy.

Yucky Worms
On a visit to his grandmother, a young boy is revolted by the "yucky" worms that are dug up in the garden. The boy changes his mind when he discovers how interesting worms can be and how they help the soil, plants and animals around the garden. This video is enhanced with appealing artwork and the witty remarks of the many worms who comment on all the action. A special segment titled, How To Be A Wormologist includes interesting garden experiments. This video is an adaptation of the picture book written by Vivian French and illustrated by Jessica Ahlberg.
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Zinnia's Flower Garden
Step-by-step, this book shows how little Zinnia prepares for, plants, cares for and enjoys her flower garden. The flowers include varieties that can be grown in Saskatchewan such as aster, sweet William, sweet pea, black-eyed Susan, zinnia, snapdragon, sunflower, marigold and cosmos. The artwork was made from copies of fabrics and photos that were cut and pasted onto paper painted with gouache. At the back of the book, there is a short guide on how to grow flowers.
What are other useful materials?
Other Useful Materials
Other useful materials are documents, lesson plans or classroom activities that teachers may find useful in supporting the curriculum, but that have not typically undergone the same formal evaluation process that is required for core and additional resources.

ArcGIS Online
ArcGIS Online enables you to connect people, locations, and data using interactive maps. It enables you to work with smart, data-driven styles and intuitive analysis tools that deliver location intelligence. It also enables the user to share insights with the world or specific groups. The website contains a tutorial, links to suggested subjects and projects, lesson plans and activities.
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Record posted/updated:
February 1, 2022

CAMPUS is the National Film Board’s exclusive education streaming service available at no cost to all teachers and students in Saskatchewan and is available on ROVER. Previewing resources is recommended.
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Record posted/updated:
February 1, 2022
COVID-19 (Coronavirus): Learning Supports for Families and Teachers
This document was created to provide support for parents/guardians when sharing information about the coronavirus with young and school-aged children. The document is also useful for early learning staff and Prekindergarten to Grade 12 teachers.
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Record posted/updated:
April 8, 2020

Concentus Citizenship Education Resources. Kindergarten: The Intentional & Explicit Teaching of Essential Citizenship Competencies
This unit supports students in understanding what it means to be engaged and lifelong learning citizens. Students will consider the relationship between rights and responsibilities that bring order to society. Students will work to understand the varying impacts that rules have on people. As students strive to understand that, they will also work to understand the underlying purpose behind the rule.
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Record posted/updated:
June 3, 2020

Curio is the CBC’s educational streaming service made available at no cost to Saskatchewan teachers and students by the Ministry of Education and is available on ROVER. Previewing resources is recommended.
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Click here
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Record posted/updated:
February 1, 2022

Deepening the Discussion: Gender and Sexual Diversity
This document will assist individuals and communities to engage in meaningful discussions and actions to respond to the experiences, perspectives and needs of students and families who are gender and/or sexually diverse (GSD). It will: assist school divisions, central office personnel, administrators, educators, First Nations and Métis organizations and community partners to develop a deeper understanding of gender and sexual diversity; assist in understanding the unique educational, health and safety needs of staff, students and their families who self-identify as gender and/or sexually diverse; provide practical strategies, suggestions and frequently asked questions to support schools and communities as they work with students to anticipate and overcome challenges related to transphobia, homophobia and heterosexism; acknowledge the shared responsibility of ensuring that all students who identify as gender and/or sexually diverse have the same opportunities for safety, socialization and success in schools; assist educators in planning curricular-based instruction and assessment to meet the unique needs of gender and/or sexually diverse students; and assist school divisions and First Nations and Métis organizations to fulfill their ethical and professional responsibilities to provide safe, equitable and inclusive learning environments for all students regardless of their actual or perceived differences.
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Record posted/updated:
February 13, 2019

Digital Citizenship Education in Saskatchewan Schools: A Policy Planning Guide for School Divisions and Schools to Implement Digital Citizenship Education from Kindergarten to Grade 12
This document provides guidelines for school divisions and school-based administrators who are developing digital citizenship policies. It is not a prescriptive policy; instead, it offers a roadmap for building appropriate school division policies and school-specific digital citizenship guidelines and procedures. Tools to help teachers, administrators and parents as they get started on the implementation of digital citizenship education for K-12 students are also included.
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Record posted/updated:
September 8, 2022

Focused Study. Characteristics of Plants. Kindergarten
The scope of this study guide includes investigating basic plant structure, what plants need to grow, uses of plants and why they are important, as well as the importance of native plants.
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Record posted/updated:
January 25, 2019

Historical Learning Resources Updates
Learning Resources Updates provided an annual supplement to every subject-specific bibliography that supported K-12 curricula.
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Record posted/updated:
January 2, 2019

LIVE Code with Let's Talk Science: Kindergarten to Grade 3
In this series of broadcasts, students participate in a range of activities that help them develop their literacy, numeracy and computational thinking skills.
Abstraction: Kindergarten to Grade 3
Algorithmic Thinking: Kindergarten-Grade 3
Decomposition: Kindergarten to Grade 3
Focus on Coding and Literacy: Kindergarten to Grade 3
Focus on Coding and Numeracy: Kindergarten to Grade 3
Focus on Coding and STEM: Kindergarten - Grade 3
Pattern Recognition: Kindergarten-Grade 3
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Record posted/updated:
March 11, 2020

Opportunities to Address Child Abuse Prevention Education and Response
This document outlines curricular opportunities to address substance misuse in various subject areas
and grades. Suggested curriculum outcomes are identified and, if applicable, supporting indicators
are noted.
and grades. Suggested curriculum outcomes are identified and, if applicable, supporting indicators
are noted.
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Sexual Abuse and Exploitation
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Record posted/updated:
July 8, 2024

Summarized Outcomes Across Areas of Study for Kindergarten to Grade 5
This document is intended to assist teachers to integrate subjects across the curriculum.
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Record posted/updated:
August 18, 2020

Supporting Reconciliation in Saskatchewan Schools
This site has been created by the Saskatchewan Ministry of Education to support school staffs to work together to expand their understanding of truth and reconciliation as well as the history and legacy of residential schools. It contains tools and resources to support important conversations and professional development opportunities.
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Truth and Reconciliation
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Record posted/updated:
February 22, 2019

Teaching Sensitive Content in the Classroom
The purpose of the presentation is to describe strategies teachers can use to approach content that may be perceived as sensitive in their community in order to:
- ensure the learning environment is safe for respectful dialogue;
- teach students how to think critically about any topic with an open mind; and,
- meet curricular outcomes.
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Record posted/updated:
January 3, 2022

The Adaptive Dimension for Saskatchewan K-12 Students
The Adaptive Dimension refers to the concept of making adjustments to any or all of the following variables: learning environment, instruction, assessment and resources. Adjustments to these variables are intended to make learning meaningful and appropriate and to support student achievement. In the
Saskatchewan context, differentiation is addressed through the Adaptive Dimension which enables all teachers to respond to student diversity, including their strengths and needs, interests, backgrounds, life experiences and motivations.
Saskatchewan context, differentiation is addressed through the Adaptive Dimension which enables all teachers to respond to student diversity, including their strengths and needs, interests, backgrounds, life experiences and motivations.
(More information)
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Record posted/updated:
September 4, 2024

Treaty Education Learning Resource
The Kindergarten to Grade 9 Treaty Education Learning Resource is designed for teachers to assist them in integrating the Treaty content and perspective with Saskatchewan's curricula and is based on the inquiry method of teaching. It provides information about Treaties, First Nations people and the history of what is now known as Saskatchewan, as well as sample learning experiences, assessment ideas and suggested resource materials to support teachers in the development of their lessons.
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Topic :
Truth and Reconciliation
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Record posted/updated:
March 11, 2020

Treaty Education Outcomes and Indicators
The Treaty Education outcomes and indicators at each grade level are designed to engage learners on a journey of inquiry and discovery. When meaningfully and thoughtfully incorporated into subject areas, Treaty Education moves beyond an idea to become actualized as a belief that benefits all learners.
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Record posted/updated:
February 13, 2019