(a) |
Report to the class on the evolution of a rule or a policy presently used in an area of the school (e.g., playground: a student riding his bicycle on the school grounds before parking it hits another student, which causes parent phone calls, staff meetings, school board concern, and a policy which prevents students from riding bicycles on the school ground). |
(b) |
Formulate a plan for the recommendation of a new policy for the student body, including the issue requiring resolution, identification of the policy options providing resolution, explanation of how the proposed options might resolve the issue, and recording the process of the selection of the recommended option. |
(c) |
Describe the catalyst for a law recently enacted, tracing the need and process for enacting the new law. |
(d) |
Represent the roles and responsibilities of various players in executive government, including the Prime Minister, the House of Commons, the Senate, and the Governor-General. |
(e) |
Outline the processes of a bill becoming law. |