Analyze and respond to a variety of grade-level texts (including contemporary and traditional visual, oral, written,and multimedia texts) that address:
  • identity (e.g., Exploring Heritage)
  • community (e.g., Teamwork)
  • social responsibility (e.g. What is Fair?)
View and evaluate, critically, visual and multimedia texts identifying the persuasive techniques including promises, flattery, and comparisons used to influence or persuade an audience.
Listen purposefully to a range of texts from a variety of cultural traditions (including oral traditions shared by First Nations and Métis Elders and Knowledge Keepers) to understand ideas and instructions, to evaluate the message heard and the required follow-up action, and to draw conclusions about speaker's verbal and non-verbal message(s), purpose, point of view, and techniques used in presentation.
Read and demonstrate comprehension of a range of contemporary and classical grade-appropriate fiction, script, poetry, and non-fiction (including magazines, reports, instructions, and procedures) from various cultures including First Nations, Métis, and Inuit and countries (including Canada).
Compose and create a range of visual, multimedia, oral, and written texts that explore
  • identity (e.g., What Should I Do)
  • community (e.g., This is Our Planet)
  • social responsibility (e.g. Teamwork) and express personal thoughts shaped through inquiry.
Demonstrate a variety of ways to communicate understanding and response including illustrated reports, dramatizations, posters, timelines, multimedia presentations, and summary charts.
Speak to express and support a range of ideas and information in formal and informal speaking situations (e.g., giving oral presentations and reports, retelling a narrative, explaining a display to others, working in groups) for particular audiences and purposes.
Use a writing process to experiment with and produce multi-paragraph narrative (including stories that contain dialogue), expository (including reports, explanations, letters, and requests), and persuasive (including letters) compositions that clearly develop topic and provide transitions for the reader.
Identify strengths in viewing, listening, reading, speaking, writing, and other forms of representing.
Set goals to enhance the development and improvement of the skills and strategies in viewing, listening, reading, speaking, writing, and other forms of representing and take steps to achieve goals.