Social, Cultural, and Historical
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Lucky's Mountain
Maggie Sullivan has grown up in a British Columbia mining community. Her father is killed in a mine explosion and she is forced to leave her only home. Maggie must also leave behind her best friend, a dog named Lucky. Lucky was a gift from her father and has only three legs. No one in the community wants to take in Lucky. Maggie must find the right solution for Lucky and herself.
Media and Formats : Book
Price : $7.95
Record posted/updated: August 14, 2019
The Secret of Your Name = Kiimooch ka shinikashooyen
Canada's Métis people are recognized as a nation by all levels of government. The Métis have their own flag, language, songs and stories. Today's Métis have grown up in the aftermath of the 1885 resistance. Bouchard celebrates what it is to be Métis. The book is written in English and Michif. The book includes a CD with Bouchard narrating the story. Fiddle music on the CD is provided by John Arcand.
Media and Formats : Book CD/DVD
Price : $24.95
Record posted/updated: November 22, 2018
Yetsa's Sweater
Yetsa has outgrown her sweater, which is full of memories and made with love. New fleeces have arrived at Grandma's. Yetsa and her mother will help Grandma turn the fleeces into wool to make Cowichan sweaters. Yetsa learns how to clean, wash and dry the fleece. Grandma teaches Yetsa the traditions behind the Cowichan sweater. At the end of the book is a brief history of the Cowichan sweater.
Media and Formats : Book
Price : $9.95
Record posted/updated: November 22, 2018
Fatty Legs: A True Story
Eight-year-old Margaret Pokiak is determined to learn to read, even though it means leaving her home in the Arctic. Her father finally agrees to let her make the five-day journey to attend school. He tries to warn Margaret about residential schools. Margaret soon encounters a nun who she calls "Raven." Raven immediately dislikes Margaret and humiliates her every chance she gets. Raven gives gray stockings to all the girls, except Margaret, who gets red stockings. Instantly, Margaret is the l...
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Media and Formats : Book
Topic : Truth and Reconciliation
Price : $12.95
Record posted/updated: July 31, 2019
Good-Bye Marianne. The Graphic Novel
In 1938, Marianne Kohn is a young Jewish girl growing up in Berlin, Germany. One week after the Night of Broken Glass, Marianne's family is being torn apart. Her father leaves the family and goes into hiding. Marianne is expelled from school and can no longer sit in local cafés. Her mother is unable to keep Marianne safe and together they must find a way to leave Germany. The story is based on true events. The stark pencil illustrations capture the hatred and racism that occurred during the ...
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Media and Formats : Book
Price : $14.99
Record posted/updated: September 2, 2018
Nokum is My Teacher
A young First Nations boy questions his Nokum about the world beyond their home and community. Nokum provides a vision of the world that the young boy can enter through reading, using his imagination and retaining respect for the ways of his people. The book is written in English and Cree and it includes a CD with Bouchard narrating the story. Northern Cree provide the singing and drumming on the CD. The title is also available in French.
Media and Formats : Book CD/DVD
Price : $24.95
Record posted/updated: November 22, 2018
Canadian Poems for Canadian Kids (3rd ed.)
This anthology contains poetry by Canadian authors, including representation from Saskatchewan. Linguists believe that reading poetry to young children stimulates the imagination and develops language skills. In this collection, the poems explore Canadian life and use humour to explore fears or to express sorrow. Black-and-white illustrations complement the poems. The text includes a table of contents and brief author biographies.
Media and Formats : Book
Price : $14.95
Record posted/updated: November 20, 2018
African Rhythms: Animated Stories for Children
African Rhythms is a collection of animated stories that explore various African cultural traditions.
•  Jump-up. Caribbean Carnival in Canada!
•  The Cora Player
Media and Formats : Video
Price : Free
Record posted/updated: January 4, 2019
Hurry, Freedom
Emily Bing and Matt Martinez take a journey on the Canadian Flyer, an antique magical sled. During this trip, Emily and Matt time travel to the Underground Railroad. They land in a basement and meet a group of African Americans who used the Underground Railroad to escape from the plantation where they were slaves. Emily and Matt assist the group to freedom. The book includes a table of contents and a list of the top 10 facts by Emily and Matt.
Media and Formats : Book
Price : $9.95
Record posted/updated: November 6, 2019
Terry Fox. A Story of Hope
Terry Fox is a hero to Canadians. While he was a young teenager, Terry was stricken with cancer. Terry read about an amputee that ran the New York City marathon. This gave Terry a goal - he would run across Canada to raise money for cancer research. Trottier discusses Terry's strength in overcoming daily pain during his run. While in Thunder Bay, Terry's cancer returned and he died in 1981. The updated edition of the book contains new information about Terry and his legacy.
Media and Formats : Book
Price : $9.99
Record posted/updated: November 22, 2018
Concentus Citizenship Education Resources. Grade 5: The Intentional & Explicit Teaching of Essential Citizenship Competencies
Students will continue their exploration of rules and societal order to the workings of the various governing systems in Canada, including First Nations and Métis governance and those patterned on the Westminster parliamentary systems. Students will extend their understanding of the impact of the differing levels of government and develop a greater understanding of the nature of the treaty relationships between the First Nations and Canada's federal government. Finally, students will examine ...
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Media and Formats : Document
Price : Free
Record posted/updated: January 3, 2019
Secret of the Dance
In 1935, Watl'kina's family holds a forbidden Potlatch in Kingcome Inlet. Watl'kina slips from his bed to watch. In the Big House, he sees masked figures dancing by firelight to the beat of the drum. As he watches, Watl'kina notices a figure he knows. It is the only time Watl'kina sees his father dance. The story is based on an incident in the life of retired judge Alfred Scow, Elder of the Kwick'wa'sut'eneiuk, one of the Kwakwa'ka'wakw Nations. The historical note at the back of the book pro...
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Media and Formats : Book
Price : $9.95
Record posted/updated: November 22, 2018
Gabriel Dumont
Gabriel Dumont was born in 1837 to mixed parentage. Dumont lived the way of the Métis, moving throughout the west and hunting buffalo. When he became head of the buffalo hunt, the buffalo herds were dwindling. Dumont called upon Louis Riel to speak on behalf of the Métis. After being ignored by the federal government, the Métis took up arms and were eventually defeated. Dumont fled to the United States where he became part of the Buffalo Bill's Wild West show. In 1893, Gabriel returned to Bat...
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Media and Formats : Book
Price : $5.95
Record posted/updated: January 17, 2019
Charlie. A Home Child's Life in Canada
Charlie is 13-years-old when his father suddenly dies. Unable to support her family, Charlie's mother must send her children to orphanages in England. The orphanage office calls to let Charlie know that he will be sent to Canada. Charlie works as a farm labourer on an Ontario farm. Charlie experiences loneliness, hardship and eventually works his way out of poverty to become a high-ranking member of the RCMP. Charlie is one of the 100,000 British children who came to Canada as child immigrant...
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Media and Formats : Book
Price : $12.95
Record posted/updated: November 22, 2018
When the Spirits Dance
During World War II, Lawrence's father goes overseas with the Canadian army. His mother raises the children alone. As a young Cree boy, Lawrence struggles with the meaning of war and missing his father and his teachings about the natural way of life. When the family is threatened by army runaways, Lawrence must call upon his knowledge of traditional skills and find the courage to keep his family safe. Lawrence faces his challenges, becomes wiser and stronger and earns the respect of his Elde...
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Media and Formats : Book
Price : $16.95
Record posted/updated: November 22, 2018
Tunnels of Time: Moose Jaw Time Travel Adventure # 1 (Updated Edition (2020))
Instead of having fun on a school field trip, thirteen-year-old Andrea has to spend the weekend with her family at a boring wedding in boring Moose Jaw. She is annoyed by this situation and barely listens when a local restaurant owner talks about the old days of gangsters and gamblers hiding in the tunnels below the city. But then Andrea accidentally falls into one of those tunnels and finds herself back in 1920s Moose Jaw. This updated first book in the popular children’s adventure series ...
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•  Tunnels of Terror: Moose Jaw Time Travel Adventure # 2
•  Tunnels of Tyranny: Moose Jaw Time Travel Adventure # 4
Media and Formats : Book
Price : $15.95
Record posted/updated: May 27, 2024