Integrate safety practices into food preparation.
Explore the importance of safe food handling, preparation and storage.
Explore the importance of safe food handling, preparation and storage.
Explore the importance of safe food handling, preparation and storage.
Investigate food inspection and food safety certification processes.
Produce a quality food product by accurately using a recipe.
Explore the use of common kitchen tools and equipment.
Investigate Canada’s Food Guide.
Investigate elements of meal preparation, serving and dining.
Explore the essential components of basic baked products.
Investigate ingredients and processes used to create baked goods.
Examine the importance and preparation of eggs.
Examine a variety of milk products and plant-based alternative products.
Examine a variety of dairy products and their alternatives.
Assess the importance of fruits in a healthy eating pattern.
Assess the importance of vegetables in a healthy eating pattern.
Assess the importance of whole grain foods in a healthy eating pattern.
Assess the importance of grain products in global eating patterns.
Create quick and healthy snacks.
Prepare quick and healthy meals.
Create a variety of sandwiches.
Develop a marketing strategy intended to influence food choices.
Investigate food and food preparation trends.
Analyze the use of kitchen appliances in making food preparation more efficient.
Explore cake baking.
Prepare a variety of frostings and fillings.
Investigate ingredients, preparation and storage of various salads.
Prepare various types of salad dressings.
Explore pastry baking.
Investigate the ingredients and methods used to prepare yeast breads.
Examine safe food preservation methods.
Investigate growing, purchasing, preserving and preparing of Canadian seasonal produce.
Examine the heritage of Saskatchewan cuisine.
Investigate ways to avoid food waste.
Investigate the uses and effects of substituted ingredients in recipes.
Evaluate various sources of domestic animal-based protein.
Investigate various sources of wild game-based protein.
Evaluate various sources of fish and seafood-based protein.
Investigate plant-based proteins.
Investigate ingredients, preparation and storage of soups.
Investigate ingredients, preparation and storage of sauces.
Prepare a variety of appetizers and hors d’oeuvres.
Explore Canadian food culture.
Plan and prepare foods for special occasions.
Inquire into the creation of sweet and savory specialty foods.
Investigate methods used to make candy and chocolate.
Investigate food traditions and practices of Indigenous people in Canada.
Explore the science of food.
Analyze the properties and roles of the nutritional components of food.
Investigate nutritional requirements of people with various needs.
Investigate foods eaten around the world.
Investigate food systems in Saskatchewan.
Investigate the psychology of food.
Examine legislation, regulations and agencies that influence food policy in Canada.
Explore food studies-related occupations in Saskatchewan, Canada and the world.
Prepare for the work placement.
Prepare for the work placement.
Participate in a work placement experience.
Participate in a work placement experience.
Relate one’s work placement experience to personal and career goals.
Relate one’s work placement experience to personal and career goals.