Module 19: Sandwiches (Optional)
Create a variety of sandwiches.
(a) Explore the history of sandwiches.
(b) Discuss the basic parts (i.e., base, spread, fillings, garnish) of a sandwich.
(c) Identify ingredients (e.g., types of bases, spreads, fillings) used in sandwiches.
(d) Explore how to prevent cross contamination of ingredients used in sandwiches.
(e) Compare different types (e.g., pitas, wraps, open-faced) of sandwiches.
(f) Compare aspects (e.g., nutritional value list of ingredients, price, freshness, colour, flavour) of convenience and homemade sandwiches.
(g) Discuss proper storage of sandwich fillings and ingredients.
(h) Plan and prepare different types of sandwiches.
(i) Explore protein sources for sandwiches.
(j) Investigate alternatives to highly processed meats such as deli meat.