Module 25: Salads (Optional)
Investigate ingredients, preparation and storage of various salads.
(a) Explore the history of salads.
(b) Identify ingredients used in the preparation of salads (e.g., protein foods, fruit, vegetables, foraged greens).

Investigate guidelines for selecting and buying salad ingredients including factors that influence:

  • prices;
  • nutritional value;
  • quality; and,
  • availability.
(d) Classify various salads (e.g., tossed, layered, arranged, cooked, molded, main dish, dessert).
(e) Explain the three parts of a salad (i.e., base, body and dressing).
(f) Demonstrate how to "crisp up" wilted produce.
(g) Explore the variety of ways (e.g., appetizer, main course, accompaniment, palate cleanser) salads are used in meal planning.
(h) Examine ways adding ingredients can impact salad nutrition.

Compare pre-packaged or store prepared salads to homemade salads considering:

  • nutritional value of ingredients;
  • price;
  • freshness; and,
  • colour and flavour.
(j) Explore how to prevent cross contamination of ingredients used in salads.
(k) Determine safest storage methods for various salads.
(l) Plan and prepare recipes for different salads.
(m) Explore the cultural and geographic origins of salad recipes.