Food Studies 10, 20, 30
Module 25: Salads (Optional)
Investigate ingredients, preparation and storage of various salads.
(a) | Explore the history of salads. |
(b) | Identify ingredients used in the preparation of salads (e.g., protein foods, fruit, vegetables, foraged greens). |
(c) |
Investigate guidelines for selecting and buying salad ingredients including factors that influence:
(d) | Classify various salads (e.g., tossed, layered, arranged, cooked, molded, main dish, dessert). |
(e) | Explain the three parts of a salad (i.e., base, body and dressing). |
(f) | Demonstrate how to "crisp up" wilted produce. |
(g) | Explore the variety of ways (e.g., appetizer, main course, accompaniment, palate cleanser) salads are used in meal planning. |
(h) | Examine ways adding ingredients can impact salad nutrition. |
(i) |
Compare pre-packaged or store prepared salads to homemade salads considering:
(j) | Explore how to prevent cross contamination of ingredients used in salads. |
(k) | Determine safest storage methods for various salads. |
(l) | Plan and prepare recipes for different salads. |
(m) | Explore the cultural and geographic origins of salad recipes. |