Module 29: Food Preservation (Optional)
Examine safe food preservation methods.
(a) Discuss reasons why food is preserved.
(b) Explore how microorganisms (e.g., molds, yeast, bacteria) affect food spoilage.
(c) Determine conditions necessary for growth and control of microorganisms, enzymes and oxidation in food spoilage.
(d) Inquire into historical food preservation methods (e.g., salting, pickling, drying, smoking) from various cultures, including First Nations, Métis and Inuit.
(e) Discuss the purpose of various equipment used in home preservation.

Explore methods of preservation such as:

  • temperature control;
  • dehydration;
  • canning;
  • fermentation;
  • addition of preservatives;
  • freeze drying;
  • smoking;
  • curing;
  • pickling; and,
  • immersion in oil or alcohol.
(g) Research methods used to increase shelf life of commercially made foods (e.g., additives and preservatives).

Research the role of food additives in regard to:

  • appearance and flavour;
  • nutritional quality;
  • preservation; and,
  • food processing
(i) Investigate foods that can easily be preserved.
(j) Compare commercial preserving to home preserving techniques.
(k) Explore in season foods to preserve for future use.
(l) Inquire into what types of foods are grown and preserved in Saskatchewan.
(m) Implement general food safety and sanitation guidelines for home preservation processes.
(n) Prepare or describe the preparation of recipes for food preservation.