Module 35: Wild Game Protein (Optional)
Investigate various sources of wild game-based protein.
(a) Discuss the importance of sustainable hunting practices.
(b) Explore the relationship between Indigenous people and wild game.
(c) Explore the importance of access to wild game meats in the context of Métis, First Nation, and Inuit food sovereignty.
(d) Research how various wild meats are marketed in Saskatchewan.
(e) Compare Indigenous historical traditions of hunting (e.g., Buffalo hunts, deadfalls, spears and arrows) to contemporary hunting practices.

Evaluate different types of wild game (e.g., deer, elk, moose, pheasant, rabbit, beaver, fowl) that provide protein considering such elements as:

  • access to wild game;
  • processing;
  • safe handling;
  • cuts and grades;
  • protein value per grams;
  • cost per kilogram;
  • preparation; and,
  • proper storage.

Discuss principles of cooking wild meats such as;

  • preparation;
  • hygiene;
  • cutting;
  • cooking methods;
  • handling dressing before and after roasting; and,
  • testing for doneness.
(h) Prepare or describe the process of preparing a wild game-based protein from a recipe.