Module 37: Plant-Based Protein Foods (Optional)
Investigate plant-based proteins.

Investigate a variety of plant-based proteins (e.g., tofu, edamame, tempeh, pulses), considering the following:

  • nutritional value;
  • cost per kilogram;
  • storage;
  • processing;
  • fresh vs. canned vs. frozen; and,
  • preparation.
(b) Inquire into diverse cultural food practices related to plant-based protein.
(c) Examine Saskatchewan-produced plant-based proteins (e.g., red lentils, chickpeas).
(d) Research the global economic and environmental impact of increased use of plant-based proteins.
(e) Analyze the importance of including a variety of plant-based proteins to ensure the consumption of complete protein throughout the day.
(f) Explore substitutions of plant-based protein for animal-based protein in recipes.

Discuss the principles of cooking plant-based proteins such as:

  • hygiene;
  • cleaning;
  • cutting;
  • cooking methods;
  • time; and,
  • equipment.
(h) Explore various ways that plant proteins can be used in various dishes and foods (e.g., salads, soups, baked items).
(i) Research types of vegetarianism (e.g., lacto, ovo, lacto-ovo, vegan) and why one might choose a vegetarian diet.
(j) Analyze factors (e.g., ethical, religious, health) that motivate individuals and groups to follow vegetarian eating patterns.
(k) Discuss the benefits and drawbacks of replacing meat-based protein with plant-based proteins in a healthy eating pattern.
(l) Prepare or describe the process of preparing a recipe substituting a plant-based protein for an animal protein.
(m) Prepare or describe the process of preparing a variety of recipes using plant-based proteins.