Module 42: Foods for Special Occasions (Optional)
Plan and prepare foods for special occasions.
(a) Discuss foods and beverages associated with various festive occasions (e.g., birthdays, weddings, school events, holiday celebrations).
(b) Examine factors (e.g., religion, family traditions, season, party theme, lifestyles) that influence the selection of food and beverages for special occasions.
(c) Inquire into the historical evolution of entertaining with food.

Explore elements necessary to prepare a large feast to celebrate a special occasion or holiday including:

  • budget;
  • meal planning (e.g., menu, number of guests, diet restrictions, invitations, quantity of food, variety, nutrition, required groceries, recipe selection);
  • meal preparation (e.g., preparation time, sequence of tasks, food safety, food presentation);
  • meal service (e.g., level of formality, service style, table setting, guest seating); and,
  • work plan (e.g., table preparation, clean up, storage of leftovers).
(e) Explore ways to incorporate healthy or alternative food options to meet a variety of dietary needs.

Examine the key elements of food presentation including:

  • colour;
  • shape;
  • texture;
  • arrangement;
  • garnish; and,
  • plating.
(g) Plan and prepare food for a special occasion including healthy food options.
(h) Plan, prepare and present food, using the components of meal appeal (i.e., colour, texture, flavor, shape, size, temperature) to demonstrate good food presentation.
(i) Explore benefits of incorporating food into special occasions (e.g., enjoyment of food, eating with others, sharing traditions, learning food skills).