Module 45: Indigenous Food Traditions and Practices (Core)
Investigate food traditions and practices of Indigenous people in Canada.
(a) Explore social aspects (e.g., traditions, celebrations, offerings for religious purposes) of food preparation and serving in various First Nations, Métis and Inuit communities.
(b) Research medical benefits of various traditional Indigenous foods and herbs (e.g., spruce tea, stinging nettle, fireweed).
(c) Explore the cultural and nutritional importance of traditional Inuit, Métis and First Nations foods (e.g., berries, wild rice, caribou, whale).
(d) Research unique traditional cooking methods (e.g., open fire, outdoor oven, underground) and equipment (e.g., smokehouse) of Indigenous people in Canada.
(e) Examine influences of family and culture on personal eating habits and food choices.
(f) Explore what can be learned about a culture from its foods and food customs.
(g) Investigate how Indigenous values and beliefs of self, family and community are reflected in Indigenous food traditions.
(h) Examine reasons (e.g., accessibility, availability, nutrition value, cost, ease of storage) why some traditional foods in various Indigenous communities are considered staple foods.
(i) Analyze the role of food in retaining Métis, Inuit and First Nations cultural heritage.

Investigate traditional foods from local Indigenous communities considering elements such as:

  • cooking methods;
  • nutritive value;
  • ingredients;
  • preparation time; and,
  • how they fit into Canada’s Food Guide.
(k) Explore different ways to include culture and tradition in healthy eating patterns (e.g., speak to a family member or Elder about food traditions, attend community even that celebrates cultural food, choose recipes that explore different ways to cook and prepare food).
(l) Invite an Elder, Knowledge Keeper or community member to discuss foods and the stories that surround them that are unique to their Indigenous heritage.
(m) Prepare or describe the process of preparing traditional Indigenous food items using oral or written recipes with culturally specific ingredients, techniques and equipment.