Food Studies 10, 20, 30
Module 45: Indigenous Food Traditions and Practices (Core)
Investigate food traditions and practices of Indigenous people in Canada.
(a) | Explore social aspects (e.g., traditions, celebrations, offerings for religious purposes) of food preparation and serving in various First Nations, Métis and Inuit communities. |
(b) | Research medical benefits of various traditional Indigenous foods and herbs (e.g., spruce tea, stinging nettle, fireweed). |
(c) | Explore the cultural and nutritional importance of traditional Inuit, Métis and First Nations foods (e.g., berries, wild rice, caribou, whale). |
(d) | Research unique traditional cooking methods (e.g., open fire, outdoor oven, underground) and equipment (e.g., smokehouse) of Indigenous people in Canada. |
(e) | Examine influences of family and culture on personal eating habits and food choices. |
(f) | Explore what can be learned about a culture from its foods and food customs. |
(g) | Investigate how Indigenous values and beliefs of self, family and community are reflected in Indigenous food traditions. |
(h) | Examine reasons (e.g., accessibility, availability, nutrition value, cost, ease of storage) why some traditional foods in various Indigenous communities are considered staple foods. |
(i) | Analyze the role of food in retaining Métis, Inuit and First Nations cultural heritage. |
(j) |
Investigate traditional foods from local Indigenous communities considering elements such as:
(k) | Explore different ways to include culture and tradition in healthy eating patterns (e.g., speak to a family member or Elder about food traditions, attend community even that celebrates cultural food, choose recipes that explore different ways to cook and prepare food). |
(l) | Invite an Elder, Knowledge Keeper or community member to discuss foods and the stories that surround them that are unique to their Indigenous heritage. |
(m) | Prepare or describe the process of preparing traditional Indigenous food items using oral or written recipes with culturally specific ingredients, techniques and equipment. |