Module 47: Science of Nutrition B (Optional)
Analyze the properties and roles of the nutritional components of food.
(a) Discuss the daily Recommended Dietary Allowance (RDA) for a teenager.
(b) Explain how nutrients work in in conjunction with one another in the body.
(c) Determine nutrient density for various foods (e.g., salmon, blueberries, corn, potato chips, kale).
(d) Investigate the effects of the consumption of diuretics (e.g., caffeine).
(e) Inquire into the purpose(s) of food additives.
(f) Research different types of sugars and sugar substitutes (e.g., fructose, dextrose, xylitol).
(g) Explore the importance of fatty acids in the body.
(h) Explore the role of cholesterol in the body’s health.
(i) Inquire into the effects of protein powders on personal health.
(j) Examine labels of foods and supplements to determine amounts of micronutrients included.
(k) Inquire into the role and purpose of nutritional supplements (e.g., protein powder, creatine, glucosamine, Omega 3).
(l) Prepare or describe the process of planning a one-week menu of nutritious meals that includes nutrient dense foods.